
About corax

About Corax

Corax is a crowdsourced news aggregator run by libertarians. It is the English language version of, a highly successful service available since June 2014 in Sweden. The current version of Corax is an early preview with only the most basic features in place.

We provide an alternative startpage for news, free from left-wing bias. We link to all kinds of media, including mainstream news outlets, alternative media, blogs, social media postings, press releases and anything else we find relevant.

A team of volunteer editors post links, write headlines and vote to decide what gets published. We are currently looking for new editors to build an international editorial team in parallel with the existing Swedish team. Contact us if this sounds interesting to you!

In addition to the news aggregator we provide a number of other service to a Swedish speaking audience, including an aggregator for libertarian blogs – Frihetligt – and a popular podcast – radio – with libertarian news commentary, broadcast live three times per week.

We also provide a subscription service – premium – which gives access to the full archive of more than 27 000 links, news digests by email, customization options for the frontpage and access to an exclusive forum for members.

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