Miscellaneous | Corax



Skeletons without hands and feet belonging to five people, three adults, a teenager and a newborn, are found under Hermann Göring's residence at the former Nazi command center Wolfsschanze in Gierłoż in present-day northeastern Poland, the identities and age is still unknown and it is unclear whether Göring knew to the fact that the bodies were there during the time he lived there

Author Paul Auster dead at 77, had breakthrough with trilogy of detective novels set in his home city of New York, said that the core of his philosophy was the impact of the unexpected and that "once you are born you are destined to die and pretty much everything in between is up for grabs"

Russell Brand turns to Christianity and is baptized after months of public wrestling with religion, says he is desperate and needs God to cope in this world

2005 report still the benchmark in research around showers and it is unclear whether daily showers are healthy, traditionally man has cleaned himself by bathing and the culture around this is rich and according to Dale Southerton, professor of consumer sociology at the University of Bristol, we have in the last 100 years started washing our bodies so much more than before

German-American businessman Karl-Erivan Haub was declared dead in 2021 after disappearing in the Swiss Alps in 2018 but is now suspected to be alive and his brother is being investigated for perjury at the death declaration after journalist says the disappearance may be linked to a Russian mistress and that there are photographs of him in Moscow from 2022

American philosopher Daniel Dennett dies at age 82, one of the so-called Four Horsemen of New Atheism alongside Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens and Sam Harris and his 2003 TED talk "The Illusion of Consciousness" has been viewed more than four million times

The British pub Lower Red Lion in St Albans is being noticed for its sign that says animals are welcome but children not, after a photograph by a guest spreads online, owner David Worcester says they have had the policy for eleven years, that one child is enough to disturb the peace of customers and that all other pubs in the city are child-friendly

Brazilian MMA fighter Renato Moicano says after winning a fight that, among other things, he is a huge advocate of the First Amendment, that he wants to fucking carry all the fucking guns, loves private property and that if one care about ones country one should read Ludwig von Mises and his six lessons of the Austrian economic school

Chef Gordon Ramsey's York & Albany pub in central London is occupied by six professional squatters who barricaded themselves with kitchen equipment in connection with the temporary closure due to an upcoming change of partnership and put up a legal notice on the front door stating they have the right to stay

Former American football star O.J. Simpson, who became world famous after being charged with the murders of his ex-wife Nicole Brown Simpson and her new boyfriend and the subsequent trial 1995 in which he was acquitted, dies of cancer at the age of 76

The book "Gender Queer" by Maia Kobabe, banned in schools in Florida and Texas, tops the American Library Association's list of most challenged books for the third year in a row, followed by the books "All Boys Aren't Blue" and "This Book is Gay"

27-year-old Briton Russell "Hardest Geezer" Cook runs across Africa from south to north in 352 days, starts urinating blood on day 43, is subjected to armed robbery on day 64, captured by Congolese villagers with machetes for money on day 102 and says after the finish line that he is pretty tired

The food museum in Rome, Museo della Cucina, exhibits more than 400 historical meals such as the lunch on the Titanic the day she sank, Fidel Castro's flight lunch during round trip to Mexico in 1960, the meal Hitler and Mussolini ate in Venice 1934 during their first meeting ever and Queen Victoria and emperor Alexander II meal in 1874 during their first meeting in 35 years

Chloe Cole, who through surgery and hormone therapy tried to change gender to boy at 16 and then regretted it, takes the floor at Disney's annual general meeting by saying, among other things, that "Disney has become the Ursula that is stealing the voices of thousands of little Ariel’s" and that the company during CEO Bob Iger runs a gender ideological agenda

111-year-old John Tinniswood from Merseyside in the UK the world's oldest living man after 114-year-old Venezuelan Juan Vicente Pérez Mora passed away on Tuesday, born in 1912, married in 1942, retired in 1972 and was widowed in 1986, the world's oldest person is 117-year-old Spanish woman Maria Branyas Morera

First indie-produced video game from Cuba, Saviorless, is launched by the studio Empty Head Games, a hand-drawn platform game in 2D and initiator Josuhe Pagliery says that the country has always been fortunate culturally and has produced top-tier artists in nearly every art form and that the rich five-century-old cultural heritage has given motivation to fuel their dreams

Australian billionaire Clive Palmer says about his project to build a replica of the Titanic that it would be a beacon of hope in the midst of wars, bring people together after the lockdowns, be an antidote to "woke" and an environment free of covid vaccines but clarifies that vaccinated are welcome as he means that we have got to extend our hand in love and friendship for them despite the side effects

Harvard removes the binding of human skin to 19th-century book Des Destinées de l'Ame due to the book's ethically charged origin and subsequent history, the binding is said to have been made by the author's friend, Dr. Ludovic Bouland, who made it of a female patient who had died of natural causes

Increasingly popular to experiment with drugs at work, Elon Musk says his ketamine use has benefited his companies and Journeymen Collective which offers luxury guided magic mushroom retreats in Vancouver from USD 15,000 per person increased their bookings by 183 percent between 2022 and 2023

American science fiction author Vernor Vinge passes away on March 20 at the age of 79, the 1981 short story True Names is often credited as the first to present a full concept of cyberspace and in 2020 he received the Heinlein Award from the Heinlein Society

80 year old Arthur Schubarth from Montana, pleads guilty to trying for nearly a decade to genetically engineer large sheep hybrids to sell to hunting facilities, imported parts of the world's largest sheep species, the Marco Polo argali, from Kyrgyzstan and had lab create cloned embryo he then implanted in female sheep on his ranch that produced an offspring he named Montana Mountain King

Pope Francis says that to erase differences is erase humanity, during conference in the Vatican, regarding the gender ideology that he believes is the worst danger today, he says he asked for studies on the subject that he calls the ugly ideology of our time

Humpback whale sex is photographed for the first time and is said to have taken place between two males in Hawaii in January 2022 according to a study published in the journal Marine Mammal Science, one of the males were weak and sick and the other strong and healthy

British-Jewish financier Lord Jacob Rothschild dies aged 87 and being succeeded as chairman of the Rothschild Foundation by 61-year-old daughter Hannah, was among other things former president of what is now called Jewish Policy Research, co-founded financial firm St James's Place and was active in the art world

The world's tallest human, the 2.51 meter tall Turk Sultan Kösen, and the world's shortest human, the 63 centimeter tall Indian Jyoti Amge, have breakfast together in Irvine, California, is the second time in six years that they have met as last time were 2018 in Egypt and posed in front of the Sphinx of Giza

The production of camembert is threatened as production since 1902 has been done by means of asexual reproduction of a single strain of the fungus penicillium camemberti which does not receive new genetic material and accumulates mutations over time, according to researchers at France's national research center CRNS, research leader Tatiana Giraud assures that the threat is long-term and that Camembert production is not threatened in five to ten years' time

Elon Musk writes on X that hormonal birth control makes women fat, doubles the risk of depression and triples the risk of suicide, the post has been viewed 37 million times and leads to testimonies from women about their negative experiences with birth control

Americans between the ages of 15 and 34 have incrementally slept more and more over the past decade according to data from American Time Use, sleeping an average of nine hours and twelve minutes per night according to research by the company Sleep Number, on Tiktok "ASMR sleep" videos have trended and listening to jazz is becoming popular again

Charlotte Nichols, UK Labor MP, proposes posthumous gender reassignment, following a petition last year signed by 14,000 people calling for a similar change to the law after the murder of transgender teenager Brianna Ghey

Unvaccinated dating site Unjected launches and founder Shelby Hosana says that the spike protein is a concern but the altering of DNA is the most concerning thing and that they believe it's possible the spike protein is sexually transmitted

Indian police release pigeon that was first suspected of being a Chinese spy when it was found with Chinese words attached to its legs but turned out to be an escaped racing bird from Taiwan, in 2016 pigeon was found with note threatening Prime Minister Modi and in 2020 a bird belonging to Pakistani fisherman was released after it was ruled out that it was a spy who flew across the border

24-year-old Sasha and 63-year-old Marie-Juliette from the French group Riposte Alimentaire throw pumpkin soup at the painting Mona Lisa in the Louvre museum in Paris, saying the agricultural system is sick, that healthy and sustainable food is more important than art and that farmers are dying at work, the painting is undamaged according the museum which is forced to close for an hour to clean

Humanity's relationship with beds is long, it is believed that for most of our existence beds consisted of piles of leaves with pest resistant leaves on top, bed frames that began to appear 5,000 years ago can be seen at the ruins of the village of Skara Brae on the Orkey Islands, in Tutankhamun's tomb were six beds found, the Romans called them differently depending on the use case and the coil spring mattress was patented by a German man at the end of the 19th century

Icelanders are asked by the organization BirdLife Iceland to count birds for one hour between Friday and Sunday when the annual bird count takes place, only birds that land should be counted to avoid double counting and those who do not have a garden are asked to go to a public park

Mark Epstein does not believe his brother Jeffrey Epstein killed himself and wants a new investigation into his death on the grounds that if you look at all the evidence, including the autopsy, the photographs of his body and the DOJ report, you would never come up with the conclusion that this was a suicide

Indian New Delhi-based restaurant Moti Mahal is suing competitor Daryaganj alleging that they falsely claim to have invented the Butter chicken dish, Moti Mahal CEO Monish Gujral says you cannot take away somebody’s legacy and that the dish was invented when their grandfather was in Pakistan

13-year-old Willis Gibson of Oklahoma becomes the first person to reach Tetris' kill screen when he reaches level 157 and the game crashes, exclaiming "oh my god" and then saying he's going to pass out and that he can't feel his fingers, it was long thought the game's limit was level 29

Frenchman Jacques Delors, president of the European Commission between 1984 and 1995 and one of the architects behind the EU's internal market, dies at the age of 98

Austrian Gaston Glock, who founded and developed the Glock pistol, dies at the age of 94, the handgun was revolutionary when it hit the market, he was the target of an assassination attempt when business partner Charles Ewert hired a professional wrestler to kill the then 70-year-old Glock, who escaped by knocking the assassin

German politician Wolfgang Schaeuble dies at the age of 81, was involved in the reunification of Germany, was finance minister under Angela Merkel for eight years and was shot in 1990 in an election rally in 1990 and has been in a wheelchair ever since

Italian left-wing philosopher Antonio Negri dies at the age of 90 in Paris, co-author of the book Empire with Michael Hardt and inspired generations of left-wing academics and activists, argued in 2015 that democracy is governed by a political class that is very weak and incompetent

The Pope says he allows priests to bless same-sex couples but it should not be conferred at the same time as a civil union or even with the clothing and gestures that belong in a wedding, according to a newly published document which, however, confirms that marriage is a lifelong commitment between a man and a woman but that people seeking a transcendent relationship with God should not be subject to a exhaustive moral analysis

The median age of marriage in the United States is for 2023 30.2 for men and 28.4 for women, while the lowest median age was in the 50s with 22.5 years for men and 20.1 years for women, according to new statistics from the U.S. Census Bureau

The Satanic Temple is currently hosting a 14-day exhibit showcasing a Baphomet statue at the Iowa Statehouse whose administration emphasizes that the same rules applies for all exhibitors, the organization has recently opened up, according to its own statement, the world's first religious abortion clinic known as Samuel Alito's Mom's Satanic Abort Clinic

19-year-old Callum Grubb in Kirkcaldy in Fife, Scotland, lives as if he lived in the 1940s, drives a car from 1938, only uses phones from the 1940s and a bicycle from 1952, does not own a mobile phone and says he had to use a computer in college and hated it

Franciscans gather in the Lateran Basilica in Rome to celebrate the 800th anniversary of the rules of the Franciscan order, regula bullata, which was drawn up by St. Francis of Assisi and approved on November 29, 1223 by Pope Honorius III and the current Pope in a letter calls on the Franciscans to go out into the world and mission

The hacker group SiegedSec, which describes itself as gay furries, hacks into the computer system of the largest US nuclear research center Idaho National Laboratory and steals data on thousands of employees and offers to delete the stolen data if research on human-cat hybrids commences

Catholic Saint Mary's College for women only in Notre Dame, Indiana, accepts applications from men who identify as women after changing their policy, school president Katie Conby writes that practices are still being determined as a result of the decision

The number of women in England who gave birth at the age of 50 or older has increased by 15 percent in recent years, between 2019 and 2021 seven women over 60 gave birth and two of whom were over 65

Elon Musk agrees, on X, with user who write that Jewish groups engage in the same dialectical hatred of whites that they claim to want people to stop using against them, Musk writes that it is not just limited to the ADL and that the anti-white racism that some groups conduct must stop

Peter Thiel thinks it doesn't matter who wins the next election and has lost interest in democracy, agrees to the interview to make it easier for him to stand firm that he will not support any politician in the upcoming presidential election, he thinks Curtis Yarvin is an interesting and powerful historian and refuses to comment on the information that he is an informant for the FBI

Mike Tyson visiting pigeon breeder in the village of Piątnica in Poland with a population of 1,800 and allegedly bought 100 pigeons but the seller has refused to comment, the American boxer has often spoken of his love for pigeons which he says was a way for him to escape his bullies as a child and he is said to have given his first punch to someone who tore the head off his beloved pigeon

Repeated exposure to explosions such as firing heavy weapons can cause brain damage and symptoms similar to PTSD, something that American soldiers who have never been close to the enemy but have fired cannons have experienced, among other things according to a report published in 2019 by the Marine Corps, which has since left no comment about the results

The Catholic Church releases the 42-page report "A Synodal Church in Mission" during the conference Synod on Synodality in the Vatican without any mention of LGBTQ+ which was included in the draft while the possibility for women to become deacons is kept open, during a new meeting in October 2024 the final recommendations are expected

Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling writes she happily spend two years in prison if the alternative is compelled speech and forced denial of the reality and importance of sex, has previously said she truly believes we are witnessing one of the worst medical scandals in a century regarding surgeries of minors' genitalia

Oppenheimer actress Emily Blunt apologizes for referring to a Louisiana restaurant waitress as gigantic in a now-viral clip from 11 years ago that led her to now being called fatphobic, says she is appalled that she said something so insensitive, hurtful and unrelated to the story she was trying to tell

40-year-old tourist from the United States smashes two Roman statues from the 2nd century in the Israel Museum in Jerusalem as he believes they symbolize idolatry and that they are in conflict with the Torah, his lawyer claims the man suffered from Jerusalem syndrome, which means that religious pilgrims get say they are a biblical person

Mike Jack from Ontario, Canada sets the world record for eating 50 of the world's strongest chili peppers, Carolina Reapers, in the shortest time when he does it in six minutes and 49 seconds, he goes on to eat a total of 135 in one hour and 8 minutes

Contemporary Latin translation of Christopher Columbus' letter from 1493, sent to inform Europe's elite of his discovery, will be auctioned by Christie's, the explorer did not know he was the first European since the Vikings to reach North America and thought he was close to Japan

52-year-old Madeline-Michelle Carthen was wrongly declared dead by US authorities in 2007 and since then has not managed to get the decision changed, has over the years been denied a mortgage, lost her job and the right to vote, 10,000 people affected by the mistake every year

Zoologist and crocodile expert Adam Britton pleads guilty to having sex with, torturing and killing over 40 dogs, has worked for the BBC and National Geographic and collaborated with David Attenborough, the 51-year-old is said to have had a container at home for the purpose and said he has a sadistic sexual interest especially in dogs

US cyclist Sepp Kuss wins la Vuelta a Espana, making Jumbo-Visma first team to win all three Grand Tours in a single year, after second placed Jonas Vingegaard's win at the Tour de France and third placed Primož Roglič's triumph at the Giro d'Italia earlier this year, both with Kuss as a domestique

26-year-old Sicilian guitar virtuoso Matteo Mancuso releases debut album The Journey, the guitarist has been hailed by Steve Vai and Al Di Meola and has played with Tommy Emmanuel, says when asked why he thinks many great guitar players are Italian that Itait could be the food

Niall Ferguson: Elon Musk, my friend for a decade, is the Napoleon of our time, like legendary general has superhuman intuition, leads from the front lines, has thoroughly warlike attitude to life and many children with his mistresses

McDonald's ends the option for customers to fill their own drinks in the US, says the the decision is intended to create a consistent experience for both customers and crew across all ordering points

The competition to be the laziest resident takes place in Brezna, Montenegro with EUR 1,000 in the prize pool for the winner, the person who has been lying down on a mattress the longest wins, last year's record was 117 hours

The dogs Cookie, Sophus and Sica perform Mozart together with the Danish Chamber Orchestra, it has been chief conductor Adam Fischer's desire to perform this piece for several years because he can then have dogs perform

All known rock carvings in Sweden are collected in a database by the Swedish Rock Carvings Research Archive (SHFA) in collaboration with the University of Gothenburg and shall contain, among other things, high-resolution images, search functions with maps and 3D models

The man believed to be the first to raise the alarm about the Great Fire of London in 1666 has been identified as Thomas Dagger, the fire in Thomas Farringer's bakery was the starting point and the research started in connection with the London Museum's new exhibition about the fire

The Egyptian Mohamed Al Fayed, the former owner of Harrods and the father of Dodi, who died in the same car accident as Princess Diana, dies at the age of 94, was also among other things the owner of the British football club Fulham and the Ritz hotel in Paris

The environmental issue increasingly important to the far right in Hungary and Poland according to the author of the book Far-Right Ecologism, Balsa Lubarda, who believes that there is something fundamentally ideological about the need to associate environmental protection with the nation's collective well-being and to compare immigrants with an invasive species that threatens the garden of the nation

Carlos Santana says during concert that a woman is a woman and a man is a man and the guitarist apologizes on Facebook but then deletes the post and replaces it with "the energy of consciousness generates its own kind, hate begets hate, love begets love"

Egg has a place in art history, references have been found in ancient Egypt and they were painted by Salvador Dalí, Andy Warhol, Jean-Michel Basquiat and Paul Cézanne, the editor of the book "The Gourmand's Egg - A Collection of Stories & Recipes", David Lane, mean they represent birth, new beginnings but also death

Billionaire Christer Gardell says that Swedish politicians have limited power, that it is inevitable to consider the Wallenberg family to have the most power and that American politicians and authorities have established a legal apparatus that gives them the power to put anyone who deals in dollars

International Chess Federation FIDE bans men who identify as women from competing in women's classes pending investigation and final decision, lobby group The National Center for Transgender Equality considers it degrading to what they call cis women and trans men and to the game itself, no reporting on how many people affected

AI-generated poems are recorded as an audiobook by German director Werner Herzog, the dark and twisted poems are based on the AI's own perspective and are about the life cycle of a computer program, the creators hired Herzog when he wanted to attract the target audience

Hip hop turns 50 as August 11, 1973 is considered the birthday when Jamaican teenager Clive Campbell deejayed in the Bronx during a party for his sister, lengthened parts of the songs and started talking over the beat in the style of "toasting" in Jamaica, which that then spread around New York City

Virginia son Oliver Anthony's country song Rich Men North of Richmond, which describes the deteriorating state of the world, goes viral, blaming those in power for high taxes and for giving more attention to minors on an island somewhere than American working women and men

27-year-old Indian Naveen Kumar cracks 273 walnuts with his head in 60 seconds and thus breaks the world record, has over the years competed for the title with the previous record holder Muhammad Rashid who last managed to crack 254 in the same time

Musician and songwriter Sixto Rodriguez dies aged 81, best known for Malik Bendjelloul's Oscar-winning documentary Searching for Sugar man, which chronicled the popularity of his music in South Africa where he was believed to be dead, and how he was subsequently found and the career took off again for the first time since the 80s

Spanish cyclist Federico Bahamontes dies at the age of 95, the eccentric Eagle of Toledo became the first Spaniard to win the Tour de France in 1959 and won the King of the Mountains classification six times, inspired future Spanish generations such as Luis Ocaña, Pedro Delgado, Miguel Indurain and Alberto Contador

British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, who is 168cm tall, wears trousers that are way too short according to Californian fashion blogger Derek Guy, dismissing the conspiracy theory that the Indian chose the style to look taller saying it just about fashion

The food chain Penny in Germany is raising the prices of sausages, yogurt and cheese for a week, in an attempt to extract the real cost to the climate and people's health, Wiener sausages will cost almost double while vegan schnitzel is increased by five percent

Memes combining mushroom clouds with Barbie actors in the wake of the blockbusters Barbie and Oppenheimer are frowned upon by Japanese, whose country is the only one to have experienced the atomic bomb, the official account of the movie Barbie has tweeted in response to such an image that it will be a summer to remember

Bolowatife Oluwasemilore Oluwadamilola Oyekunle Ayanfeoluwa Emmanuel Michael Oladele is the person with the longest name to graduate from the University of Kent in England, Professor Ben Cosh says it is always an honor to call people up to the stage to collect their degrees as you literally announce for the world that this person has done something real, challenging and meaningful, so it's kind of important to get their name as right as possible

Irish singer Sinéad O'Connor is found dead at the age of 56, known for performing the song Nothing Compares 2 U written by Prince, her mental illness, tearing up a photo of the Pope as a protest during Saturday Night Live, having four children and being married four times as well as converted to Islam

The British-Jewish comedian David Baddiel, who wrote the book Jews Don't Count, thinks, in reference to the new film Oppenheimer, that not every Jewish role needs to be played by Jews but that it can be discussed, he sometimes receives calls from directors who want to check whether a particular actor is kosher to play a Jewish role

Hitchhiking is social roulette and it decreased further during the covid pandemic and had its golden age in the 60s, 70s and 80s, according to Matti Fouchault-Airasmaa, chairman of the hitchhikers' association HitchPro, says further that the motivation to hitchhike today, unlike in the past, is rarely financial, but that there are still places in the country that are difficult to reach by public transport

The Homeless Soccer World Cup is underway in Sacramento, California and the eight-man Northern Ireland squad, selected by the charity Street Soccer NI, have easily won against the likes of Norway and Finland and are on course to advance from the group stage

The YouTuber Felix Kjellberg, with the stage name PewDiePie, welcomes together with his wife Marzia their first child, a son who will be called Björn, the couple married in 2019, in the days before the birth, the famous Swede said that he was very excited to become a father

Man Rikkie Valeri Kollé, 22, who identifies as a woman, wins Miss Netherlands and will become the second man who identifies as a woman to compete in Miss Universe, which takes place in El Salvador later this year

Since the 1980s, horse owners in Iceland have been extracting and selling hormones from their pregnant mares that are used to increase the fertility of other animals, and now Icelandic police have dropped a preliminary investigation into the practice, which was launched after complaints from foreign animal welfare associations

Authorities in Sichuan, China are investigating whether the restaurant that challenged its customers to eat 108 dumplings violated the law on food waste, the offer had been advertised on social media, meanwhile in the US, Joey Chestnut recently won an eating contest when he ate 62 hot dogs in 10 minutes

The five crew members of the submarine Titan are confirmed dead after parts of the craft were found 500 meters from the wreck of the Titanic which they were on their way to, after they were reported missing efforts was made to find them before the oxygen was expected to run out, one of the dead is British billionaire and explorer Hamish Harding

The Swiss cyclist Gino Mäder dies as a result of injuries sustained after crashing into a ravine at the end of the fifth stage of Tour de Suisse, the Team Bahrain Victorious rider won one stage at Giro d'Italia in 2021 and became 26 years old

In order for customers to gain access to the grocery chain Aldi's store in Greenwich, London, it is required that they download an app and scan a QR code at the entrance, goods are then scanned in the store with their mobile phone and payment is deducted from the bank account when they are finished

Book publishers are increasingly publishing main characters with neurological defects in books, often written by authors with such ailments, Elle McNicoll is considered to be a prominent figure in what the article author Amelia Hill calls revolution and she says that too often such characters have been secondary and that they die during the course of the book

Author Cormac McCarthy passes away at the age of 89, perhaps best known for the books The Road and No Country for Old Men which were later made into films, colleague Stephen King writes that he was maybe the greatest American novelist of his time

Media mogul and Italy's prime minister for nine years, Silvio Berlusconi, passes away at the age of 86, he was the owner of the football club AC Milan, friend of Vladimir Putin, positive to the EU and to liberalization of the economy and was over the years at the center of several scandals

Pablo Picasso's mistress, the French artist Francoise Gilot dies at the age of 101, wrote the popular memoir Life with Picasso, which was made into a film in 1996, about her relationship with the Spanish cubist